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Welcome to our blog. We started this to keep family & friends posted on our adventures...and yes we named it after our lovable Boston Terrier, Bosco Bingo.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Girls only road-trip!

So I was really missing my family and John just started a new job with no time off so...crazy me took a 6 hour road trip home to see them! It was actually really great driving down there. I left early before dallas traffic and woke the girls up and put them straight to their carseats in pj's and all:) they slept for a little while and then we sang and talked the rest of the way! We got to my parents during daycare naptime so it worked out perfect! When the kids woke up they were sooo excited to see Bekah and meet baby Livia:) Buddy and Trista were there and it was fun to surprise them when they woke up.
Buddy and Bekah with their funny face

Trista and Livia
Oh yes, Bex found her a Prince to dance with:)
Liv getting kisses from Cousin Madison
and some loving from Aunt T

Michael's remodel house is coming along nice!
We got to go out with fam to celebrate Madison's 16th birthday. Of course we had to have the wait staff sing to her and she had to stand up and hold up her dessert. You can tell she is really enjoying herself:)
she then had to share with all the kidos:)

Liv checking out Uncle Michael
Such a happy girl! and you can see her 2 teeth at the bottom

Princess Bex

had a fabulous time spending the night with cousins and came back a princess with make-up and all:) she loved it and you can see:)
This was the best I could get of the cousins together
Pattycake with Grandma

Now on the way back home the trip was a little more exhausting...

I did not get up early and leave. Its the hardest for me to leave once I am there:( so they were both very tired and fussy but we sang and I tried to keep them happy. We stopped to eat and then I stopped at the Sam Houston statue so we could get out and walk around a bit.

Here is Sam's head and Bex :)


All and all I was sooo glad I made the trip! We got back Saturday so we could have the weekend to hang out with daddy:) It was great to see my parents since I was missing them so much. It was fun to be with my Mom for Mothers day! She is the best Mom in the whole world and I feel so blessed to have her as my mom and best grandmother to my girls. I can't wait for them to retire in August and hopefully get to see them more:)

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